Does anyone know anything about this unnamed line on Dozier Dome? : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread |
Does anyone know anything about this unnamed climb on Dozier Dome? The route starts about a hundred yards to the right of Holdless >Horror, a bit above the big block at the bottom of the descent gully. A wide crack (5.9+) leads up about a hundred feet and then >fades. A right traverse into another crack and thirty feet of climbing leads to a wide ledge and the first belay. A full length pitch up the continuing crack (5.8) leads to a belay where the crack widens below a small pine. This crack was filled with dirt and grass. Dave did considerable gardening to get pieces in. Toward its top he found a fixed baby angle, very rusty. The next pitch led through an overhang (5.8) and continued up a hundred and twenty feet of easy ground to a belay. I>found another pin, very old, just below the overhang. > This would be a fine route if it received some traffic and that middle pitch got cleaned out. I'd like to know who put it up.
-- Robert Walton (, August 15, 2000
I believe I did this route with David Green in 1971. Much of the climbing was on grunge.
-- Jeff Dozier (, April 26, 2003.