Cross-Processing Polaroid Instant Film. : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I remember faintly reading about a commercial photographer cross-processing his Polaroids in Photo District News (Oct '99?) last year. The details escape me and I am wondering whether any readers can fill me in one this technique or have tried it themselves. If my faulty memory serves me, the photographer shot an 8x10 B&W Polaroid, peeled off its developing sheet, peeled off the developing sheet from a COLOUR 8X10 Polaroid and then used THIS sheet to develope the B&W Polaroid. Or was it the other way round? That is, shooting colour Pola, and developing it in B&W Pola chemicals.

I remember seeing the most remarkable monochrome positives from this photographer whose name escapes me.

Can any readers help?

-- Erik (, August 16, 2000


I apologise to any reader who takes umbrage at my use of a non-existent e-mail address. Too much spam, and flames from the intolerant has rendered me quite cowardly.

I am sorry for the misspellings and bad sentence construction of my posting too.

Moderator, please feel free to snip this out.


-- Erik (, August 16, 2000.

even it works its so expensive and wasteful.-J

-- josh (, August 17, 2000.

Hi Erik,

Sorry this took so long to read, but using 809 neg and 803 positive will yield a sepia print. The art world has been doing this for a while. for further info contact polaroids customer care center at


-- Bill Jefferson (, December 19, 2000.

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