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I have 16 hens, 13 Red stars, 1 naked neck, 1 black australorp and 1 buff orphington. They are "laying machines" and I'm so pleased with them. Every now and then, one of them will lay a tiny egg. egg. Today, I got 12 eggs. One of them was about the size of a grape, like a little quail egg. Does anyone know anything about this? I keep my hens more as pets than egg producers and give most of them to people in our food pantry so this is no big deal. I get a lot more eggs than I could ever use but I'm just curious. Thanks so much in advance. Mr. Eagle
-- eagle (, August 17, 2000
Mine often lay a tiny egg when first beginning to lay, or when coming back to laying after molting. These tiny eggs often have no yolk. I wouldn't think there is anything to worry about, in any case.
-- glynnis in KY (, August 17, 2000.
Same here. We often get them in Spring or with new layers. The shells are usually quite hard. My sister loves these for pysanka, a Ukranian egg dying art. She gets a lot of money for these small eggs. Mary
-- Mary Fraley (, August 17, 2000.