Kodak DC280 Viewfinder Query?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Please can u help? I have just bought one of these cameras and notice the viewfinder is different to what I expected. It has the conventional square in the middle, a framing mark top left, none at all on the right of viewfinder and only an upright line bottom left. This seems abnormal and I returned it to my retailer who confirmed that it was fine...is this so? I would really appreciate any help on this matter. Regards, Rick.

-- Rick Buckley (holeshot@lineone.net), August 17, 2000


My viewfinder is the same as yours.

I bought my camera 6 weeks ago.

-- Farouk Dindar (fdindar@attglobal.net), August 17, 2000.

Thanks For the reply, I eventually managed to speak to Kodak who confirmed that it is fine. The framing marks are for close up photos only, for all others what you see through the viewfinder is what you should actually get in your picture...so basically just ignore them for everything else except close-up's.

-- Rick Buckley (holeshot@lineone.net), August 18, 2000.

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