Sinkhole forces Seattle water pipeline to be shut down : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Sinkhole forces water pipeline to be shut down August 22, 2000, 12:30 PM BOTHELL  A sinkhole in the Bothell-Kenmore area has resulted in the shutdown of the Tolt River pipeline, which brings water to Seattle.

The sinkhole did not appear to have damaged the pipe, but Seattle Public Utilities is shutting it down to check and make sure.

The shutdown will not impact customers in Seattle, but it will affect people living in the Northshore, Woodinville, Kenmore and Bothell areas.

Water utilities in those communities are being told to pull from their reservoir supplies until the pipeline can be reopened.

Residents in those areas were being asked to conserve their water.

-- Martin Thompson (, August 22, 2000

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