Fuji MX 1700 on a NT machine

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have loaded my software on a non-NT machine and had no problem, but i can't get the software to recognize the camera on an NT machine. HELP!

-- sarah rochelle (sarahroche@yahoo.com), August 22, 2000


Not to be a wise-guy, but are you sure the software AND DRIVER are written for NT? Many are not.

-- Gerald M. Payne (gmp@surferz.net), August 22, 2000.

A smart media card reader such as the one from Lexarmedia.com should do the trick fine. You'll need the parallel version which works under NT 4 and provides a pass thru for a printer so so you don't have to switch devices. Forget the Win 95/98 driver in NT, it's a totally diferent beast.

-- Cris Daniels (danfla@gte.net), August 23, 2000.

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