"Bing" the road commissioner. [stories]

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

He was a Big man with hands like hams and a disposition of a friend. In fact he was a friend. Pap worked for'm on the roads way back in the mid 50's, along with several other men. "Bing" as he was known was a fine guy and was always willing to visit. He'd set under a shade tree and loaf as long as you wanted--as long as the work was done. He wasn't lazy at all but when he had a chance-well he never met a stranger. He wasn't a "slave driver" and would get right in there and work alongside his hired help. He was part indian, lived on old indian grounds and hunted indian artifacts on his farm as well as neighoring land. Had arrowheads in little areas of his yard like we use for flowers. He also played at the fiddle and was fair on some songs. He went to the hospital in his later years for a simple procedure and was absolutely terrified! He'd never been to the hospital before. After the work was done on'm somebody came in to see him before he went home the next day. This visitor was talkin about how serious the procedure was and that "Bing" was so lucky to be alive. "Bing" died that night!!! I guess he was literally scared to death by those innocent words of his visitor. The Word says that our tongue is sharper than any two edged sword. In this case it certainly rang true! Matt. 24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), August 22, 2000


Hoot, my Grandfather went by the name "Bing"!! Was it a common name, 'cause I've never heard of anyone else called "Bing". He died when my Mother was pregnant with me, never got to meet him. Sort of feel robbed, my other Grandpa died before I came along, too. Maybe you could be my Grandpa Hoot!!! Anyway, I sure do love your stories, and I hope you think about putting them all together in a book someday. Or....maybe we could get Steve to feature one each issue. (I'm sure someone must have thought of that already!)

-- Cathy Horn (hrnofplnty@webtv.net), August 23, 2000.

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