The Day A Redwood Falls [stories]-poetry : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I don't think I have ever posted this here. I apologise if I am duplicating myself.

THE DAY A REDWOOD FALLS Dawn breaks today as it would on any other, Flowers bloom, trees sway, brushing one another, Birds sing sweetly in the great tree's shade, Dappled water glimmers, flowing through the glade. Suddenly the air is split with an angry, rumbling roar, as if all of hell is tearing at earth's door, The moist and tender earth beneath the tree, is wrent and wrestled, like a madly rolling sea. The great tree shivers, it is gasping for breath, It's massive branches falling reaching out in death, It topples like a toothpick falling on a table, The birds fly away as fast as they are able. The crash, when it comes, shakes the earth for miles around, The forest is filled with nothing but sound, And then there is a silence that's almost as loud, As the cacophony that came before, a gunshot in a crowd. And there it lays, alone, that once majestic tree, Dust billows, and falls, silently, Now it dies, and a new ray of light makes it's way to the forest floor. For the seedling at it's feet, it is a brand new day. Little Bit Farm

-- Little bit Farm (, August 23, 2000


Thanks Little Bit, for the tears. Give it your best, litte tree.

-- Cindy (, August 23, 2000.

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