Can I have some input on the Toshiba PDR-M5 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


After a fair of amount of research, I had thought that the PDR-M5 was the camera for me, since I have fairly specific requirements.

As a Phy Ed teacher, I'm looking to record action shots to provide immediate feedback and fault correction, as well as produce presentations and posters of the students.

The high speed burst mode and the movie mode of this camera seem to fit the bill, whilst the review of the camera here was complimentary. However, it did get a bit of a roasting from users, especially on it's inability to focus in low light.

Can I have some impressions on whether you guys think this is a good buy for me, or offer alternatives in a similar price bracket.



-- AET (, August 24, 2000


I'd say it's a pretty good choice, especially because it's available for around $350 refubished. I have the PDR-M4 and a PDR-M70, which have a lot in common with the M5. The color balance, particularly when using flash, isn't to everybody's liking, but it's not horrible.

Very fast shot-to-shot time. Very, very easy to download images to a desktop. Holds about 150 full-quality images (with moderate compression) on a 64 MB smartmedia. I think you'd like it.

-- Mark Grebner (, August 24, 2000.

Thanks Mark

Anyone else got an opinion?

-- AET (, August 24, 2000.

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