HOW ABOUT THE LENSE OF TECHNIKA TELE-ARTON 1:5.5/240 : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I have bought a second hand lens named !0Technika Tele-Arton 1:5.5/240mm Schneider-Kreuznach!1 for my 4X5 Linhof 2000 camera. I don't Know how about the quality, what about the Angle of coverage, Image circle, coated condition and the lens construction. Please help my.
-- FAN WEIGANG (, August 24, 2000
There are two versions of this lens. Check the site to find the information you want. Look under Products, and then Vintage Lens Data.
-- neil poulsen (, August 25, 2000.
Telephotos are the only choice when the lens to film-plane distance allowed by the camera is too short to use normal lenses but in your case, with I assume a Linhof Master Technika 2000, that is not a problem. That camera has triple bellows extension and would allow the use of a 240mm and up to 300mm normal lenses such as the Apo Ronar, which would offer far superior quality to the Tele-Arton or any other telephoto. Also these lenses would be easier to focus when using tilts. There are other 240mm lenses with also great quality such as the Schneider Apo Symmar or Rodenstock Sironars, these however are much larger. The coverage of telephotos is typically narrow. For more info go the site and study the specs. As you bought what in my opinion one of the best and most expensive field cameras, it seems a pity go skinny on the lenses.
-- Julio Fernandez (, August 25, 2000.