The Tougyuu, revisited *sounds like a crappy sci-fi movie* : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
I'm hoping that with posting this question, an interest will be renewed in the game :)Recently, MAME finally fixed this game, so the bull actually dies. Do we keep the scores with the old version, which is a LOT easier (just manipulate the bull correctly and you can get a ton of points off of him), or with the new version, which actually requires that you hit the bull in a specific spot on his back?
J.D. Lowe
-- J.D. Lowe (, September 11, 2000
Thanks for the notification. All scores will be wiped, as this is considered a major game flaw.Q.T.Quazar, MARP Rules Coordinator
-- Q.T.Quazar (, September 11, 2000.