European Nightcrawlers Care & Feeding : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My kids wanted to try their hand at a small worm business. The worms arrived today. I put them in a plastic bucket with some healthy looking loose soil, slightly damp. We put a few vegetable scraps on top for food. Anybody got any experience with this? Any advice would be appreciated. I would hate to kill the worms they worked so hard to buy!

-- Tammy Hall (, September 12, 2000


Drill some small holes in the bucket for drainage,I raise mine in shreaded newspaper and cut a piece of cardboard to fit the bucket,keep the cardboard wet and put the food under the cardboard good luck

-- Daryll (, September 12, 2000.

tammy were did you get them?

-- renee oneill (, September 13, 2000.

Thanks for the input. I got the worms from Wormman out of New York, if I am not mistaken.

-- Tammy Hall (, September 13, 2000.

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