American Scientists all a bunch of Doomers : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

Fears of bio-terrorism have prompted the US government to order 40m doses of vaccine against smallpox - a disease "eradicated" more than 20 years ago.

Barbara Reynolds of the Centers for Disease Control, the Atlanta-based government agency, said: "There is increasing concern about bio-terrorism." Of a possible smallpox attack, she said: "Even though there may only be a low probability of it occuring, if it did occur it would be catastrophic."

US defence officials have long feared laboratory samples of smallpox might have fallen into the hands of potential terrorists or rogue states.

(I think they KNOW it has and thats why the concern..._)

-- Who else (, September 21, 2000


A Russian bio-tech scientist defected a few years ago. He said they had crossed smallpox with ebola, giving it more than a 100% fatality rate...his words.

-- helen (hiding@home.home), September 21, 2000.

Oh CHRIST..that's why they're worried. I knew there had to be a reason behind it. A "more than" 100% mortality rate has me mortified! Wonder if he sold it to someone else already? Who knows who might have it. Sheeeesh! (Gas Masks are starting to look like a must have.. but do they protect you from something like that?..)

-- kritter (, September 21, 2000.

Kritter, ebola and smallpox both required some type of physical contact. Unfortunately, ebola can live for years in the dirt. I'm not sure if smallpox can do that or not. Either one alone can kill, but combined I can't imagine anyone could survive the infection. A few people survived ebola infections, and their blood was used to create crude vaccines that appeared to work. Some people have survived smallpox in the past, but back then most people had been exposed to cowpox in some form and that may have helped. I have asked the goats for their input on the availability and effectiveness of goat pox...they're going to get back to me.

-- helen (hiding@home.home), September 21, 2000.

Helen, you KNOW what Edna's answer is gonna be. ;^)

-- Brooks (, September 22, 2000.

True, Brooks...Edna cried "A POX UPON YOU ALL!" at midnight last night.

-- helen (shocked@nd.dismayed), September 23, 2000.

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