apple butter making : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Can anyone tell me how far away to hang a copper kettle from the fire? Thanks in advance!

-- Lisa Geiger (, September 21, 2000


It would depend upon how hot the fire is. The community where I used to live had an apple butter cook-off the 1st weekend in October each year. From what I can remember they had a length of chain attached to the tripod that sat over the fire and the kettle was hung on the chain. It could then be raised or lowered as need be. I know that it needs to be close enough to the coals so that the apple butter can be kept bubbling gently, but not boiling hard.

-- Marci (, September 21, 2000.

I am no expert.....but I went to a fall festival this weekend and they were making apple butter in two different copper pots. It was literally sitting on the fire and they were stirring with a giant wooden stick.

-- Carleen (, September 21, 2000.

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