Internet shenanigans, Yahoo being obnoxious : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Just got around to checking out a "Yahoo! news bulletin" that stated that the Olympics had been cancelled. It "bonged" and came up on my computer while I was "forumming" earlier. When I clicked on it, it brought up a box to check up on the latest Olympic news. Rooted around a bit, saw nothing but medal listings, etc. Thought maybe I was computer-stupid and not doing it right, or maybe the site hadn't been updated. It's still on tv, though, although I know it's a tape delay. Have I missed something big (oh, for shame!) or is Yahoo! just in that bad a need for hits on their site to justify $ spent? Guess I'll find out for sure when the news comes on.

-- Soni (, September 21, 2000


Soni, I just ran through Yahoo-some of the Olympic coverage and the major news reports. I don't think that's what you mean by news bulletin though. Anyway, some men have been tossed out after failing drug tests and a woman has left claiming she was confronted by a man in her hotel. So whatever you got, the Olympics themselves seem to be on. Gerbil

-- Gerbil (, September 21, 2000.

Yahoo recently bought and has been having some glitches while revamping.

-- ~Rogo (, September 22, 2000.

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