2001 mvf4s with 134 bhp?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

the 2001 mv agusta f4s seems to have more power,namely 134 bhp at 12500 rpm

-- Ben P (duc@rendo.dekooi.nl), September 22, 2000


Where is this info from? Any more details on how they do this? Thanks.

-- mod (mvf4s@excite.com), September 23, 2000.

No more further details,but i gues they do this with an other mapping from the computer. The missing 5 or 6 bhp can you get with the open exhaust from the spr or senna. I have read it in a motor-magazine here in holland(moto73). Cagiva talks about other crankshafts,pistons,clutches etc. to give the spr 140 bhp but when this is trough my 2000 mvf4s with 126 bhp is yet on the and of the power he can deliver???I can't believe this.So cagiva give us the chip with the mapping for the 2001 spec mvf4s for a little more pleasure with our expensiv bikes and for the test riding we do for you.



-- Ben P (duc@rendo.dekooi.nl), September 23, 2000.

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