12 Nipple Goat Kid Bucket Feeder

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a 2 gallon plastic bucket, with a lid & 12 nipples. I used it for goat kid feeding but it could be used for sheep, etc. I would like to sell it for $10. You pay postage. If you are interested please contact me. Thank you, Jane

-- Jane Gauch (sewbears4u@hotmail.com), September 24, 2000


Hi Jane,

Have you gotten a postage "quote" on it? I'm in Virginia, zip code 23434. Give me an idea of the postage, please. Also, would you take PayPal (www.paypal.com) as payment?

Thanks, Mary

-- Mary Wagner (maryw80@msn.com), December 03, 2000.

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