Neiman Marcus Edition MV Agusta F4S : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Well, Neiman Marcus has a special edition cobranded F4S. I wouldn't spend an extra 3k or so for the NM name, but I'm sure that someone will.

-- Tom (, September 26, 2000


Neimann Marcus is a store similar to Harrod's. It's not a bad deal for $22,000. No need to wait, only 10 around, and a class with Keith Code. I wonder if it's a new color scheme like the 748L?

-- mod (, September 26, 2000.

Tom, I noticed sometime ago they did a similar model but using the 748 / 916 as the base; who or what are Neiman Marcus ??

-- Francis Duguid (, September 26, 2000.


-- EDUARDO (, June 16, 2004.

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