Are Some Maine Coons Short Hairs? : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

My parents purchased a registered Maine Coon kitten from what I thought was as a reputable breeder. They gave the kitten to my children. She is a very healthy 7 month old, silver tabby.

However, she does not look like the pictures I have seen of Maine Coons in regard to the mane and bushy tail. She does have unusual markings on her coat--unlike any cat I have ever seen before, and she also has the lynx-type ears. Why is she missing the bushy tail and mane?

As for behavior, she displays all the active, acrobatic moves I have read in descriptions of MC behavior.

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2000


I think it's probably too early to tell what your kitten will look like as an adult. My male didn't look very bushy when he was under a year old. In fact, the fur on his body grew at different rates. Now at almost two years old, he has "filled out" and is gorgeous. (Maine Coons mature slowly.) Did anyone see the kitten's parents? What did they look like?

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2000

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