Durst M670 Variable Contrast v/Saunders 670 Variable Enlargergreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread |
Does anyone have any experience with either the Durst M670 Variable Contrast or the Saunders 670 VCCE Variable Contrast BW Enlargers? I am ready to upgrade my equipment and have narrowed my search to these models. I want a diffusion system with the variable contrast option and these two fit my budget. Originally I was looking for a cold light system but they are not at all within my budget. Which brings me to my second question: I have heard many arguments on the benefits of cold light systems over diffusion or condensers. The most recent input I received was that the difference in image quality is negligible and hence a halogen diffusion system should serve me just fine. Any additional input? Thanks...
-- leah washington (ltwashington@earthlink.net), October 03, 2000
Leah, I once faced your situation and this is the solution I came up with. My camera is medium format and I may also use 4X5 someday so I purchased a used Omega D-2(beefy) for $300 and an Aristo cold light head for VC paper(really nice) for $189 and a used Schneider 80mm enlaging lens for $125. Total price less than for a newer enlarger that you are considering. The larger column seems to be more stable than the medium format enlargers and I can print 4X5 negs if I need to. I also only print B&W so I have no need for dichroic heads on my system. Bob
-- Bob Smith (desertfoto@yahoo.com), October 14, 2000.