Shooting people inside without LS lenses? : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

To all of you editorial/fashion shooters using the P67... besides shooting outside in daylight how do you shoot people, i.e. fashion, headshots, environmental portraits, etc. Do you all use the LS lenses? If using the standard 90, 105, 135M, 200, etc. Do you sync at 1/30 using studio strobes? What about the use of an on-camera flash (on the accessory grip, of course)? Or maybe, HOT lights? What gives?! 1/30 is so SLOOOOOOOOOW!

Thanks so much! Randy Darst

-- Randy Darst (, October 10, 2000


The P67II is my second medium format kit. I moved up from the Mamiya 645 Pro. The 90LS and 165LS have allowed me to sync up to 1/500 sec. with strobe. I like the feel of the camera and most of all, I love the large trancparencies. Every system has it's pros and cons. The downside of the P67 is the 1/30 sec. sync speed. I have found that the system fits my needs more than any other that I have used. I hope that I have answered your question. Good luck, Tony

-- Tony Clark (, October 29, 2000.

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