Radio services in regional and rural Australia : LUSENET : Friends of the ABC : One Thread

Radio services in regional and rural Australia - have your say!

Regional and rural listeners are being invited to express to a Parliamentary Inquiry their views of 'the adequacy of radio services where they live.

The Inquiry will consider the 'social benefeits and influence on the public' and 'the effects on individuals, families and small business in non-metropolitan Australia ... including, but not limited to, ' locals news services, sport, community service announcements and other forms of local content'.

. This is an important opportunity to let the government know how important ABC radio services are and what you think about commercial services in your area. You can comment about the quality and extent of services provided by you local radio stations.

. In additon, you may want to let them know that the radio interests of country people are not restricted only to what local stations provide. Tell them you also value the programs other radio services provide, e.g. Classic FM, 891 ABC Adelaide (5AN), Triple J, Radio National , News Radio and Radio Australia.

. The integrity and quality of ABC programming is the direct result of its independence from government and commercial influence. Urge the government to restore funds it cut from the ABC.

Your letter does not need to be long. It is particularly important at this time - when ABC funds have been cut by the federal government, and the ABC is in danvger of being commercialised through the back door. Encourage others to write too.

Send submissions by 27th October to: The Committee Secretary, House Communications Committee, Parliament House, Canberra 2600; or fax 02 6277 2067 or email (email submissions must include the name, postal address and phone number of the person or organisatiion making the submission. For futher information phone 02 6277 4601 or web site

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2000

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