Truman "Designated Guest ID Card" program includes same sex partners : LUSENET : AAUP Truman State : One Thread

Missouri Colleagues,

The following is excerpted from the October, 2000 issue of Sources, which is the Human Resources publication of Truman State University.

"The faculty/staff designated guest ID card is intended to offer privileges to the qualifying partner, adult child, or other adult member of the same household of a current full-time faculty/staff member. A qualifying partner would be a spouse, significant other, or fiance(e) of the faculty/staff member."

The designated guest ID card is a new program. My understanding of a reply sent to me in response to my inquiry makes it clear that both "qualifying partner"/"significant other" and "other adult member of the same household" include same sex partners.

Truman's administration is to be commended for this step forward. It is a small step: much remains to be done in terms of access of faculty and staff to the full spectrum of eligibility for benefits for their same sex and opposite sex partners. Nevertheless it is a step, and it is a step in the right direction.

David Gruber Professor of Philosophy and Rector, RCP Truman State University

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2000

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