What's new at Photokina 2000?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

What's new in large format lenses, cameras, film, etc. introduced at Photokina 2000? I searched for websites on this subject without success. I look forward to your response. Thank

-- David Caldwell (caldw@aol.com), October 11, 2000


Kodak redesigned ReadyLoad packets:

http://www.kodak.com/global/en/professional/products/films/readyload/r eadyloadMain.shtml

Schneider introduced new lenses:


Arca-Swiss showed geared Orbix (axial tilt)

Fuji introduced new films (but not in sheets yet)


Cahnam showed a 6x17 back.

That's all I know of.

Don't think Rodenstock showed any new lenses?

-- Glenn C. Kroeger (gkroeger@trinity.edu), October 12, 2000.

"Don't think Rodenstock showed any new lenses? "

2 new lenses but both are in the Apo Sironar Digital HR series.

-- Bob Salomon (bobsalomon@mindspring.com), October 12, 2000.

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