Oberhasli goats

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I just purchased my own home with about an acre of land and was thinking of getting a goat or 2 in the spring. I've been reading a lot about Oberhaslis and they seem pretty expensive to me. Does anyone know of any sources in the upstate NY area? I'm just looking for mainly a pet that could give some milk, doesn't have to be show quality or anything. Also what is the best way to keep them (goats in general) confined and the best kind of shelter? Thanks!

-- Kelly (beerfarm@midtel.net), October 14, 2000


Where in upstate NY? We used to live in western NYS, and that was often referred to as upstate, but we always referred to upstate as being Albany and that area. Anyways... I know of a man who raises obies in Cherry Creek, NY... e-mail me privately and I will give you his name and number.

-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), October 14, 2000.

I know some breeders in St Lawrence county .

-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), October 15, 2000.

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