Banding Tom - Thanks Folks! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

With the help this evening of a friend, we banded both of my barn toms. Until it came up on the forum, I didn't know it could be done. Right hand should be useable in about a week. He did advise me to wear gloves. Nah - these are just the gentlest cats. First one of the two had other ideas. Other than licking their privates more than normal, they don't seem to be in any discomfort. OK - 'V' jokes are still being accepted.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, October 16, 2000


Do you think banding would be up there with jockeys riding up or pressed and STARCHED boxers ( yes my wife did that to me once, don't know if I got her mad at me, but if I did, she got me back).

-- Jay Blair (, October 16, 2000.

Keep an eye on them for the next week or two. They have a tendency to try to chew the bands off, leaving the job half-finished.

-- Rebekah (, October 17, 2000.

What type of bands did you use ?

-- Patty Gamble (, October 17, 2000.

Okay, you are not talking about legbands on turkeys.

I watched my dad and grandpa do cats and puppies. They stuck them headfirst down a cowboy boot. The one with the heavy gloves held the back legs. They used the quick SNIP,SNIP, pine tar method.

Those cats move fast when they are let go! That is how Lightning got his name.

-- Laura (, October 18, 2000.

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