future hometown

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Blender : One Thread

based on name alone where would you like to live? i chose yeehaw junction, florida but dinosaur, colorado and bedrock, colorado also make the list.

-- spike (spike@jeppeson.com), October 16, 2000


What about Virgin, Utah? Wasn't that on your list a month ago?

-- Meg (megea@stanford.edu), October 16, 2000.

I did say just to name a few. Then there's Xenia, UT the only city in the US I found that begins with the letter X.

-- spike (jandrew@nwu.edu), October 16, 2000.

Always a claim to fame...

My friends who are foreign think that GA is a freakish state. Historical wannabe, I guess. Why else would it have an Athens, Sparta, and Rome? (of course, everyone knows that Athens is the only one of any consequence...)

-- Meg (megea@stanford.edu), October 16, 2000.

oops thats xenia, Ohio

-- spike (jandrew@nwu.edu), October 17, 2000.

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