Artist named Tsanya : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

Does anyone have information on a art deco artist named Tsanya? I am interested in learning more about this artist and researching their art deco prints.

-- Wendy Rieger (, October 19, 2000


I have a silkscreen by Tsanya....I had an eppraisal done...they told me they thought it was a print of one of his silkscreens and that it was not signed...wrong .. my major was graphic arts is both a silkscreen and it is that was a waste of $20.00 :-) is the info they sent me...good luck :-)

-- HIT (, November 10, 2000.


You may be interestedthat I possess an original watercolour by Tsanya (pseudenym used by Glad Hauser, USA who painted in the 20s/30s). Her work was printed to produce puzzles - a popular pastime during these two decades! My work depicts a romantic couple under a tree with lanterns. I have seen prints here in Australia, but not another original, so I feel blessed to possess this piece of her work.

-- Bronwyn Webb (, December 10, 2002.

Wendy, I also have an original water colour, it depicts a Dutch girl skating, with a windmill and sailing ship in the background, on a black background. I was given to understand (by the Art Deco Society of North America) that Tsanya was an Australian artist, so am interested to find out whether this is the case, or whether it is actually the pseudonym of Hauser (Houser). Josina Walker

-- josina walker (, October 11, 2003.

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