Voightlander Bessa R

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Does anyone have recent information on this camera. I have seen mixed reviews at other websites. This is an interesting concept.IE a reasonably priced camera with high quality(?). I sounds like a perfect "notebook" type camera, small, lightweight, sharp lenses, totally manual and 25% the cost of a Leica. (Please don't tell me to buy a Leica M-6, if I could afford one I would own one.Have you priced a scrw mount Leica?! Talk about sticker shock!) The other remaining mid priced rangefinders all have a higher degree of automation. The Konica Hexar RF & Hasselblad XPAN have built in motors that I dont need and the Contax has auto focus & a motor drive that I dont need.This Voightlander reminds me of my old Canon 7s (try and find one of these used as well!) You opinions will be appreciated! Outdoor Photographer includes it in their best buy list.

-- Robert Orofino (rorofino@iopener.net), October 24, 2000


I've been trying to answer the same questions. Based on conversations with a couple of users, it's a decent platform for the new Cosina LTM lenses and is better constructed than the initial Bessa L. It will not be a lifetime camera in the way that a Leica M would be, and is likely not as durable as an older-design manual camera such as a Nikon FM2. More's the pity. At about $650US, depending on where you look, it is almost price-competitive with an M4-2 or M4-P, both of which lack a built-in meter, and which are going to have seen a significant amount of use. One pro who shared a lot of information said he thought it was worth carrying around because the lenses are high-quality; the body is more along the lines of good, or good+. I haven't bought one myself ye, but am getting close. Balance the price against the new all-electronic autofocus stuff like the newer compact Pentaxes, though.

-- Joe Brugger (jbrugger@teleport.com), October 25, 2000.

I decided on getting a Nikon FN2n with the 50mm F1.2 Auto Nikkor. It's a little bigger than the Bessa R but I can use all my Nikkor lenses with it.

-- robert orofino (rorofino@iopener.net), November 17, 2000.

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