GS & F Rwy Depot in Palatka, FL : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

I have been doing some research on the Georgia Southern & Florida Depot/freight terminal on the St. Johns River in Palatka, Florida, and would like to know when the track was removed from the depot and when it was torn down. I went to the City Hall in Palatka, and they could not answer my question. They belive it was some time in the early 1970s. I did find some information on the depot, that it was built in 1904/1905 and was opened for service in mid 1905. It had passenger service with through Pullman service between Atlanta and Palatka in 1907. I also found pictures of the depot from about 1910, 1920, and 1949 from the cars in the last picture. Any help on this question would be appreciated. Allen L. Wiener, Ocala, FL

-- Allen L. Wiener (, October 25, 2000

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