c-siders on the netgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi everyone. I am still pretty new to the forum but have been sustained by c-side for many years. I am still trying to plow through the older threads before they disappear,so I don't know if you have all been over this already.Anyway, I found two great web sites today that I would recommend to all. First is Wendy and Heather at Peace and Carrots farm in Vermont. www.homestead.com/peaceandcarrots/ What a great site!You could play here all day if you can find the time. Next is www.manytracks.com Sue Robishaw online! Anyone know of more Countrysider's sites? The last part of this post is this: Anybody know what Bev Sandlin is up to lately? have not heard from her in a long time... I wonder if she has a computer...
-- maureenb (firegirl102@hotmail.com), October 25, 2000
Maureen, the threads "disappear" from the main screen, but they're always there in the archives. Sometimes, you have to do some detective work to find out WHICH archive. Lots of people just post a new thread asking if anyone else can find the old thread, if they get stuck.Something I do, because I keep "up to date" pretty well on this forum, is to click on NEW ANSWERS (at the top of the main screen). Then you can see which topics people have been replying to recently, even if they're off the main screen. After I go through those, I come back to the main screen and see if there are any new posts (near the bottom of the screen) that haven't had a reply yet, and read the ones that interest me.
-- Joy Froelich (dragnfly@chorus.net), October 25, 2000.
Thank you for sharing these sites. Fun, fun fun!
-- Monica (c.decollibus@ocsnet.net), October 25, 2000.
If you don't want to chase a current thread to the archives, you can save it to your floppy drive by clicking on the file dragdown menu and select save as. Then use windows explorer to open it when your off line. I do this to have something to read when the forum is inaccessable.
-- Jay Blair (jayblair678@yahoo.com), October 26, 2000.