I don't know--stuff I rekon. [stories]greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
20 new White Pine trees are in at the ASCS office for me. It's "dig out the motorized digger and have at it" time again. Last time I used that thing to set out trees---well-SAWBONES TIME! About 3 weeks vacation, a huge scar down my frontside and almost unbelievable medical bills! That was 3 1/2 years ago and almost forgotton now. I still wanna set those little pines out myself and will do it -with lil dumplins help! She can help me "spot'm" so's they'll be in a row. We almost had war last week here. As she was called out about 3am, to work, she kinda makes a loop-de-loop in our side yard inorder to keep from backin up at night. Well, that woman has been drivin around and dodgin my many trees for several years now but in her haste to get to work--she didn't see the 4' maple tree that jumped in front of her little S10. I heard the death rattle of it today as I drove past it! Well anyhow, I didn't shout at'r at all. I've done much worse with the lawnmower! You know those things dont stop when you yell "Whoa"! I shudder to thnk how many nice trees I've run over with that stupid mower. It's GOT to be that mower--I NEVER do anything rong! Brang a complete forest home couple weeks ago, in minature, and need to relocate'm here in next day or two. ACORNS! More trees to drive and mow around but thats ok. I love my trees. Noticed old Mr. Groundhog was out Monday. He's fatter than I am! Would venilate his'n ole hide with the Swede but don't wanna smell'm. Our pleasant fragrance of the hog factory is almost more than I can enjoy. Next week all the politikens will be able to crawl back under their respective rocks and leave us alone for awhil--at least I hope so! Crops are all in, neighbors are still friendly and the leaves are more beautiful than I ever remember them being in all of my 21 years on this planet. Sure, I'm lyin---algore and georgie can do it -why can't I? Tomorrow is lil dumplins birfday and methinks I'll go buy'r a cheap hamburger er somethang. Be good to you'rn life's mate--you may need'm to help you set out trees! Matt. 24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), November 01, 2000
More like you need her to pick up the pieces of you after machine encounters.I know about this, too well.Nick has his "Gravely meets 'buns of steel'man" episode,and the scar to remind him of it if he gets forgetful.Firemen were considering whether to call the lifeflight helicopter. Lets just say he is no longer allowed to use it's surry seat on our hilly terrain,under penalty of death!Walk behind only!
Why plant with machine anyway?20 trees can be planted quickly with a tree planting bar, if it's seedlings, which is what our conservation district distributes.Your Forestry division should have one to loan out if you don't have one .Used one plenty myself,quick & easy
-- sharon wt (wildflower@ekyol.com), November 03, 2000.
Hey Sharon! I failed to elaborate any on the "scar down my frontside" enough. It's from 6 way heart bypass. I can no longer use the plantin bar due to some things that are and shouldn't be. Didn't mean to mislead anybody. The digger is much quicker and easier to digg'm. We have heavy soil and it's good to dig a deep hole [32" or more] and fill partially with potting soil and a 1" hose alongside the tree to water it with.Another beautiful day with temps startin to drop some. It's time-was runnin the a/c earlier this week! Probably run the furnace tonight. Gotta burn that propane so I can buy more shortly----! Y'all have a good weekend and enjoy it to it's fullest. Matt. 24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), November 03, 2000.
Woops!I did get that wrong.Forget what I said, I"m out of my mind & have lost my marbles.your darling little sister gently corrected me as well.Bless her heart!
-- sharon wt (wildflower@ekyol.com), November 03, 2000.