Where to get Chongo's book?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread


I dont know who this Chongo guy is but I like the sound of his book. Is there any way I can get it other than getting it from him directly at Yosemite, like mail order or internet or something.

Also, is it worth $70?

-- Tristan Higbee (MrTristan@email.com), November 02, 2000


I don't know if Chongo realizes the potential for sales here. Chongo let me read his "bible" about two years ago while I was in Camp 4. The text is accurate and creative. A lot of the information in this book is directed at energy and time saving techniques on big walls. It is worth the $70.00 as it is written in a way that allows not only the seasoned wallrat to comprehend but baby rats as well. He said I could get a copy from some lady near my house in Sunland, Calif. but I lost her adress. I am also interested in obtaining a copy of my own so hopefully some one here will see him and let him know the market is waiting...

-- Wayne (steepfriends@earthlink.net), November 02, 2000.

i just bought the book and it is great.Lots of info...some better than others but it all depends on you expience..this determines what is good. I am still reading it.

here is his address Chongo po box 1948 yosemite ca. 95389

good luck and welcome to chongo land


-- ed aleo jr (goatbrothr@aol.com), November 02, 2000.

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