Parents and Children of Jake A. Hudson : LUSENET : Genealogy Queries for Stanly County, North Carolina : One Thread

I'd like to find any information about the parents of my great grandfather, Jake A. Hudson, (b. June 6, 1872; d. June 28, 1963). Married to Caroline Poplin (b. aug 7, 1869; d. Dec. 11, 1925) and then to Bessie Lee Threadgill (b. January 1880; d. Oct.31, 1962).

I'm also looking for information about Jake's children. I know he had one son, my grandfather, named (I think) William M. (Mart) Hudson. I believe he also had a son named Jasper, and a son named Pearl.

Any information would be helpful and very much appreciated.

-- Anita Holloway (, November 02, 2000

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