Queen or not?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : lady jane grey : One Thread

Why is Jane always referred to as 'Lady', if she was 'Queen', even for a short period (compare 'King' Edward V, the 'Prince in the Tower', who ruled for less if at all)?

-- Tim Daynes (tim@rdaynes.freeserve.co.uk), November 03, 2000


I think maybe because she was not officially crowned, She had the crown tried on for fitting but that is all. Peter Carroll.

-- Peter Carroll (peter@daphne61.freeserve.co.uk), November 03, 2000.

Peter was right - Jane was never actually crowned and also she wasn't the obvious legal choice for the next monarch. Regardless of religious views, Mary was the next rightful monarch. Therefore, though Jane was known in noble circles as a fairly pleasant blue stocking, she was certainly not viewed as the next rightful monarch by them (the council abandoned her after all) or by the people themselves. She is "Lady" as she was the daughter of an Earl (to start with) and by early 1550s the daughter of a Duke.


-- Elizabeth Chilver (allen.chilver@ntlworld.com), November 08, 2000.

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