regarding a game called "ninja kid" : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
my little brother is looking for a game....if anyone can help me about a game called "ninja kid" ....descprition is a little red ninja kid goes around slautering the bad ninjas and monsters.....he can jump from wall to wall bouncing left to right and back ....kind of a short little guy, resembling wonderboy's size and figure, with endless amounts of ninja stars to throw and he also throws bombs (i think)....really hard to describe....but it is an older game with only two dimensional graphics...if anyone can help identify the maker, and source to retrieve the game ....please e-mail me at ...... ( ).....
-- kristian chee (, November 03, 2000
the game is "ninja kun" from UPL (aka ninja kid). Actually is not emulated, but the sequel (ninja kid 2) is emulated by mame, raine and JFF.Note: do not confuse ninja kid with ninja kids...they are two totally different games
-- Giovanni "Gby" solinas (, November 03, 2000.