making b/w contrast printing filters from color enlarger : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I would like to know information on how to dial my Omega C-700 Super Chromega color enlarger built-in filters into the standard contrast printing filters for b/w enlarging. I have heard that this can be done. Thank you.
-- Mike Jumper (, November 04, 2000
Check the technical data sheet for the paper you use. There are a couple of different systems, and the data sheet usually has recommendations for each one.
-- David Goldfarb (, November 04, 2000.
There are two standards for the numbers marked on Dichroic colour heads; Kodak and Agfa. A Kodak 170M is about equivalent to Agfa's 200M (or something of that order).
You need to find out which 'standard' your Chromega follows, and as the previous post says, just follow the leaflet that comes with the VC paper.
-- Pete Andrews (, November 06, 2000.