older 150 mm lens for 5x7

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I am looking for a 150 mm lens that will cover 5 x 7. I am hoping to find something used and maybe a little older than the modern expensive lenses.I dont need movements just full coverage for landscapes in b w. What are my choices. Thanks.

-- henry butlerl (hankb13@juno.com), November 06, 2000


Response to lenses

Dagor or Angulon.

-- Bill Mitchell (bmitch@home.com), November 06, 2000.

Response to lenses

Or an older aerial mapping lens. These are designed to cover 5x5" with red- or IR-enhanced B+W emulsions, but are usually quite well corrected into the blue as well. They are often quite fast wide open, which makesfor easy focussing, and they can be very cheap becuase people forget what they cost when new. Disadvantages are a lack of a shutter, and sometimes an aperture which doesn't stop down very far.

-- Struan Gray (struan.gray@sljus.lu.se), November 06, 2000.

Response to lenses

Or, if 159mm would work for you, a Wollensak Extreme Wide Angle will cover 8x10.

-- Chauncey Walden (CLWalden@worldnet.att.net), November 06, 2000.

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