MEN' : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I would like to thank all the wonderful people who sent their prayers and offers to give my MEN's a new home. They have now been placed. I tried to respond to everyone, I am sorry it was only a short note but I recieved a large number of inquiries. A lady who lives in the same state said she could come down and get them saving me alot of work and time. Thanks to all, Doris in Idaho
-- Doris Richards (, November 06, 2000
Doris, I'm glad to hear you found a home for them. I was bumming out because I was afraid you weren't getting any takers and they were going to end up in the trash. If I had lived closer I would have driven over to get them. I can now rest easy knowing they have a home and someone else will continue to benefit from them.
-- Colleen (, November 08, 2000.