Legion of Honorgreenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread |
What is going on with the whole cemetary thing under/near the Legion of Honor. I heard they found some old graves and there are supposed to be a lot more. Are they just golfing on top of these people or what? Is there a plaque there in remembrance of these folks there? Or would that scare off the golfers? Why do they leave them there? And why don't they move them?Thanks Marjolyn
-- Marjolyn Deurloo (mdeurloo@hotmail.com), November 09, 2000
This was the old City Cemetery generally used for idigent people including Chinese. The bodies were supposed to have been moved in the 1900's to Colma. Only recently have we found that they weren't very thorough.Good luck on your research.
-- KURT IVERSEN (IVERSENK@AOL.COM), November 18, 2000.