Lent Passion Play

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cacophony : One Thread

I get it---Sounds like fun. Show 'em what it's really all about! I like the idea of covering our faces with a heavy beards, mustaches, fake noses, wigs, etc., to preserve one's anonymity. The duplicity of staging a kinky-sex, BDSM fetish session under the guise of a modern religious ritual is a great underlying cacophony act! Props should be period (circa 30 C.E) and not moder "Leather" so's we don't rouse dissent among the populous.

-- Jon Martin (jlm95128@yahoo.com), November 10, 2000


Why NOT make it a full-fledged S&M/"Leather" scene; To show that the attraction to the popular crucifixion Passion Play is, at least in part, due to the kinky sex nature of it (which is why, in part, the Romans developed it that way with stark nudity and the vulnerable, submissive posture of the victim with little pain a long, slow death by exposure and dehydration)???

-- xxx (xxx@aol.com), November 10, 2000.

yes, i agree.....let's go for it, and let's find a photographer/artist who would be willing to work with the idea and push it to the limit.....how about a calendar with each month dedicated to a station of the cross like its never been portrayed before....what a cutting-edge project.....sexuality on the cross-as though christians don't think about it.....write me with staging ideas, leads, pictorial ideas, etc., etc....can't use computer at work much at all, nor do i own one....write to k. young, 227 walnutdale rd., shippensburg, pa 17257....i've had the same idea for years....would love to be the prophet jesus figure....have no qualms at all, have no shame....hate religious hypocrits...this will piss them off and could make us money....you never know....get back to me please....thought i was the only one who thought this way....i'm not alone....thanks!

-- kevin manyfaces young (mfsloincloth2@yahoo.com), March 13, 2003.

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