SINAR help : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I use an older Sinar Norma 4x5 and 8x10. After a friend let me use his newer Sinar with its built-in depth of field calculator on the dial of the rear standard, I became hooked on this feature. To this end, I measured the f/scale on his camera's dial for 4x5 and 8x10 formats and created a scale based on these measuements for my rear 4x5 and 8x10 standards. But in moving I misplaced the scales.Could someone out there who has a newer Sinar 4x5 and /or an 8x10 with the depth of field scale/dial email me the following measurements in mm's.
Distance from the zero point on the dial that the standard moves to the f/4 mark, f/5.6 mark, etc. through the f/64 mark on the dial for the 4x5 format.
Also if someone has an 8x10 could they email me the distances for the 8x10 format?
From these measurements I can easily make the depth of field scales for my 30+ year old Sinar's rear 4x5 and 8x10 standards.
Many thanks in advance.......
-- Greg Kriss (, November 11, 2000
Making a DOF calculator for any camera is her e.
-- Andres Suurkuusk (, November 12, 2000.
Hey - yes I can but it'll be weekend until I grab my Sinar again. Can you wait?
-- Tom Castelberg (, November 15, 2000.