1920's Wallpaper

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

We are interested in wallpapering a museum which is centered around the 1920's. What was the style for that time period and can we purchase it through current distributors? Thanks!!!

-- Sue Hall (jashall1@zeronet.net), November 14, 2000


Martha Stewart had a show featuring out of stock and period wallpaper. You could probably contact her website/people and find out where to obtain the paper and information you are looking for

-- Linda Ireland (lmireland44@hotmail.com), May 24, 2001.

I got some GREAT brochures on wallpaper from Bradbury & Bradbury art wallpapers. 940 Tyler St., Suite 12, P.O. Box 155, Benicia, Ca 94510-0155 707-746-1900 or fax 707-745-9417. I found their web site and ordered brochures. Great paper and friezes.

-- Debbie Garrison (debbiegarrison@webtv.net), February 09, 2002.

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