Push-on lens cap to fit Leica E39 UVa filter

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Could someone please tell me what size push-on lens cap will fit the Leica E39 UVa filter. I know it accepts a 39mm snap-on cap, but is that also the correct size push-on filter?

Thanks in advance.

-- David Cunningham (dcunningham@attglobal.net), November 14, 2000


The usual front diameter of a lens that takes E39 filters is A42 (42mm) but my B+W and Leica filters are slightly smaller in diameter than that. So if you are looking for a push-on lens cap to fit the lens, the correct size is A42.and the Leica part no. is 14268 (deep so that it fits over filters). If you are looking for a push-on lens cap to fit the filter, a A41 push-on cap might work Kaiser makes a 41mm push-on lens cap, part no. KALC41 (B&Hphoto part no. 206941) for $5.95.


-- John Collier (jbcollier@home.com), November 15, 2000.

For the record, if anyone else is interested, the Kaiser 40mm push-on lens cap fits the E39 UVa filter.

-- David Cunningham (dcunningham@attglobal.net), November 19, 2000.

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