AMTNSW signs : LUSENET : AMTNSW : One Thread

Hello fellow members,

I have recently seen advertising posters in the clinic windows of several massage therapy practitioners who are members of another association (namely ATMS).

The ATMS posters are brilliant. They are A2/A1 size, coloured, laminated and have a very prominent ATMS logo.

The posters state that the practitioner is an accredited member of ATMS and practice under a code of ethics etc etc etc........

I sure some of you have seen these posters.

My question is, are there similar posters available for AMTNSW members?

I believe that posters designed for AMTNSW members which are large enough to be seen by window shoppers through our clinic windows would be a great marketing tool for practitioners and would lead to increased recognition of the AMTNSW as a professional body.

I know we have our membership certificates but these aren't appropriate for our windows.

If the posters are not available, could we design some?

I would be happy to be involved in any activity which enables such posters to be designed and available to members.

Sonny McNamara

-- Sonny McNamara (, November 16, 2000


Hi Sonny,

I agree with you about the posters, AMT does have a poster but it is quite non-specific about ethics etc. I myself haven't seen the posters you talk about but it sounds like AMT could work on a similar theme.

-- Matt Dilosa (, November 17, 2000.

Sonny, If you are willing to come up with a design and costings we will give the idea thorough consideration.

-- Geof Naughton President AMT (, November 22, 2000.

Has anyone followed this up? I may be able to get a design and costings for this, but unfortunately haven't seen the ATMS signs. I think all our members should have an AMT promotional sign to display in windows, reception areas, etc.

-- Melanie Elsey (, August 20, 2001.

My only worry about this sort of item is the false advertising that occurs if the person does not retain membership of the AMT. I wonder what the Health Care Complaints Commission would say to a complaint about a massage therapist setting themselves up (by virtue of the logo on the door) to be a member but not being financial.


-- Diana Glazer (, August 20, 2001.

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