Beseler color head for B& : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread |
I've just got a beseler mxt enlarger with a 45s color head and was wondering if anyone could tell me the combination of filltration to dial in for different contrast when printing black and white on multi contrast paper.. Other words, what combination will equal different contrast filters? Thanks for your help. Any other tips? Kelson Smith
-- Kelson Smith (, November 19, 2000
paper grade #1 25 Y, #2 12y 9m, #21/2 7y 40m, #3 10y 70m, #31/3 20y 140m, i also have a bessler 4x5 enlarger with a color head and have found that most color heads will need a paper that is about 1 grade harder than a condenser enlarger. all of my "perfect" negs that i would normally print om a #2 grade paper require a #3 grade , hope that i was of some help to you................f/8 always, randy
-- randy e zack (, November 25, 2000.