How We Moved to the Country : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Here is a tale of how we moved to the country:

Day dreaming on the couch in a suburb of California, we went through a climate map and decided what states we were willing to live in. Then we narrowed it down by cost of living and population. A great source was and a long with this forum.

With a list of where we wanted to move I started looking for a job. I landed a job interview off (I love the NET don’t you?). I flew out for my interview and also drove around the countryside to see if it was what we were looking for. Neither my wife or I had ever been to Missouri.

I was offered the job and took it. After explaining to our dumbfounded friends what we were going to do. I drove to MO to start my new job, while the wife and kids stayed behind to sell the house. If we had to do it over again the whole family would have come with me. We found being separated for so long extremely difficult for all of us.

I rented a house, which we all moved into when the house sold. Once the family arrived we started looking for a farm.

We are now the proud owners of 40 acres of semi-wooded, rolling pasture with pond and barn. Our house is around 100 years built by Mennonites. So far we have a one cat, which came with the house. Yeah!

I hope this helps someone who wants to move to the country but doesn’t known where to start. The whole process took about a year and a half. Good luck! It can be done.

-- Story Book Farm (MO) (, November 19, 2000


We also used to find our farm in the boonsticks, the place had a cat in residence too. Good luck with your new home, Annie in SE OH.

-- Annie Miller (, November 19, 2000.

We also used united country's web site to find our new home, and we also inherited a What part of Missouri did you move to? We just moved to Mountain View, Mo. So far we love Missouri. The climate is great and the people are friendly.

-- Amanda S (, November 19, 2000.

Thank you for your story! Know what you want, have a plan and don't give up till your there. I desided when I was 30 to retire in 20 years and live in the country. I saved half of everything I made and invested till I had 1,200$ a month. To the homestead I went!!! Not rocket science just patience. Your way is excellent and I have great respect for your creativity!!....Kirk

-- Kirk Davis (, November 19, 2000.

Thank you, Kirk!! Some days I get sooo impatient, but if I rush things, I know I'll regret it. Something this important shouldn't be done in haste! There are times that I want to run to my land without a dime in my pocket, and that would be foolish.

-- Cathy Horn (, November 20, 2000.

Amanda: We moved to Wentworth. Noted for the last party line in America. Population 140. It is in the SW corner between Joplin and Springfield. Looks like you are due East of here.

Kirk: Thank you, that was a nice thing to say.

-- Story Book Farm (, November 20, 2000.

What a great story. I'm just now catching up w/ the forum as we also moved to a new place this last week!!! Truly is a great Thanksgiving. God is good. So much to be thankful for. John

-- John in S. IN (, November 23, 2000.

Thanks for sharing your story! I just found this board, and I love it. My husband and I just moved to a (rented) farm house in Central Alabama from Houston, and are plannning to move to the Missouri/Arkansas area in the next two years. Until then, we re learning everything we can about homesteading, small livestock, gardening,e tc. I think I've found a great place to learn.... Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving,

-- Kristin (, November 24, 2000.

Hey! Just a wild guess, but didn't you used to be Silicon Valley Man?

-- Grouchy (, November 25, 2000.

Good guess Grouchy! Yes, I used to be Silicon Valley Man.

-- Storybook Farm (, November 26, 2000.

Welcome to the country! I like Storybook Farm much better and I am glad you found a way out of the cement jungle.

(your secret past is safe with me)=8)

-- Grouchy (, November 26, 2000.

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