Stuff. [goat barn] : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Don't know what happened here but sompthang went wrong! Well anyhow-let us try again. Betcha thought this was gonna be about GOATS! Well, it ain't! It's about deer! Course they're about the same. Comin home yesterday afternoon I just happened to look in a fencerow just east of our house. Lo and behold, there laid a HUGE buck deer--right by the road! I stopped and backed up jest a little. He ran out into the field and was followed by a big doe! I hadn't even seen her. They ran out into my field and stopped. Went on home and looked out in the field at'm. They were still there--watchin me! I clapped my hands and they ended up runnin towards the house and finally stopped in a grass-waterway. Multiflora rose bushed and brush covers a goodly portion of it and that's where they went. Deer season is open here now and all kinds a crazies are runnin the roads with guns stickin out truck winders just awaitin fer some poor unsuspectin deer to wander across in front of'm. I don't like deer meat or those dudes wouldn't have survived the night! I also don't want anybody else in here shootin at'm. They're kinda pets!!! I'm waitin fer turks to start movin in. I LOVE turk and they just won't have to worry about a place for'm to stay. My DEEP FREEZE has room! Matt. 24:44
-- old hoot gibson, the Illinois hillbilly. (, November 20, 2000
Deers are in deep rut here .Hubby got another with his truck ,second this year .No he did not hit either , they hit him .
-- Patty (, November 20, 2000.
The deer are on the move here in NE Ohio too. One nailed my son's car the other night. And you're right about them resembling goats, there is no way I would let my girls out right now. I'm pretty sure all my neighbors know the difference but I don't know about their buddies from the city who only come out once a year armed with a shotgun!!! - Kathy
-- Kathy (, November 20, 2000.
Hoot, I love to deer hunt. Like the meat. But I do have to agree that the local deer are my pets. We feed them year round. Hunt in VA and at inlaws special place 3 hours from here. Rifle season came in here today. On my way home from work, I drove slowly to see if any of my "friends" were hanging in a tree. Our place is surrounded by National Forest and by 6 am today 15 trucks had already driven by. We normally have one truck a day, guy that lives in the next place three miles up the road. All night last night there were vehicles driving by. Our place was a camp before we bought it and the former owner warned us that this little grassy spot was a favorite of poachers. Now I have to worry about the dogs and cats. They have a fenced yard but the oldest Basset bitch was shot with a shotgun last year. Left everyone inside today while I was at work. 3 dogs and 3 cats. They had a party! BTW, we quit feeding the deer three weeks ago and I didn't see any deer hanging at the camps below us. Hope all my friends make it!
-- Terri Perry (, November 20, 2000.