need to worm my cats : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

One of my favorite outdoor cats is "orally expelling" round worms today. Any ideas for getting rid of the creepy critters? How about tapeworm remedies? Thanks.

-- Cathey (, November 23, 2000


Try Jeffers Pet Catalog (look online) or call 1-800-533-3377 to request a catalog or to order. Another source of pet supplies, including vaccines is Doctors Foster & Smith at 1-800-826-7206. Also lots of time the coop or TSC will have Happy Jack or other wormers which I have used with good results on dogs, don't know about cats. Hope this helps.

-- Christy Horton (, November 23, 2000.

I use Dr Daniels cat wormer. I got it at the pet store. It smells and looks like caramel and the cat didn't mind the taste. I put it in it's food. Also, accidentally, some Diamatacious Earth got into his food dish and my son didn't clean it out before feeding. He put on weight after that.

-- Dee (, November 24, 2000.

Cathey, Strongid (available from your vet or through KV Vet Supply or other supply catalogs) is very effective for roundworms,pinworms,and hookworms,but not tapeworms. You need to use Droncit for tapeworms, which you have to get from your vet, or get a prescription for it from your vet and order it from the vet supply catalogs.

-- Annie Miller (, November 24, 2000.

Try WORMWOOD, just a pinch will do. You can grow the plant yourself or buy it at a health food store really cheap, best of all it works. Use it daily on their food - like salt or pepper (just a pinch).

-- carroll (, November 29, 2000.

Heard Diatomaceous earth is an excellent, all-natural way to get rid of parasites. Just a heads up - I don't have any first-hand knowledge to contribute, though.

Good luck! Sarah in MI

-- Sarah Sanders (, November 29, 2000.

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