Will we have a Civil War, if Klinton refuses to move out of the Whitehouse?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

Who will fire the first shot?

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2000


Will we have a civil war if Clinton gives our most guarded secrets and advanced weapons technology to communist China?

Will we have a civil war because our president lies continuously under oath and to the American people?

Will we have a civil war because Clinton ordered the deaths of seventy -nine American men, women and children in Waco, TX without any due process or reguard for their rights?

Will we have a civil war because our commander-in-chief cuts our military to the bone, puts them under the authority of the UN, will not count their votes and puts them needlessly in harms way doing "peacekeeping" missions for various 3rd world nations.

Will we have a civil war over things like 900 missing FBI files? Millions of dollars in contributions from known gangsters(chinese and russian), Juanita Broaderick?, Questionable deaths of over 200 close associates since his days as governer of Arkansas? Billy Dale? Lincoln bedroom as a motel 8?, Over 80 people called to testify have pleaded the 5th or fled the country? ect,ect,ect

Why should Klinton move out of the white house?The law?(laughing)He is more popular than either Bush or Gore; all we need is a serious crisis which will allow BC to suspend that outdated constitution.

We will never have a civil war; Unless there are some patriots left in this country. And thus far i have not seen any.

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2000

>> Who will fire the first shot? <<

Chelsea. Hillary had her chance and didn't take it.

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2000

We tried already. It didn't work.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2000

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